Submix Session x Protools
Audio I/O Setup

In the ‘Setup > Playback Engine’ settings select either ‘SubmixPatchbay 16ch’ or ‘Submix Input/Ouput 2ch’.
In most cases Submix Patchbay 16ch will give you the most flexibility, with Protools output now routing its main stereo output to Patchbay 1 +2.
Submix Patchbay 16ch - Allows audio to be routed through a 16channel virtual audio driver which can then be configured through PATCHBAY, normally used as the output from your DAW.
Sessions Input/Output 2ch - Allows audio to route directly in and out of SUBMIX SESSIONS, this should be used when routing through PATCHBAY is not necessary.
MIDI I/O Setup
In the ‘Setup > MIDI > Input Devices’ settings Protools will automatically create a ‘Submix MIDI Receive’.
Now that your MIDI I/O is set up you can receive MIDI from a user in yourSESSION. Simply create an instrument track and record enable it to activate.
In order to send MIDI to other users in your SESSION you must firstly set up a ‘New MIDI Track’ and set the output device to the predefined ‘Submix MIDI Send’.
Now other users in your SESSION should receive any MIDI data you send.