Compare Bounces

Playback lets you compare bounces/renders across different versions of your project. This can be useful for comparing mix changes and other creative progress you've made on your project over time.

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How to Compare Bounces

Click the "Compare" button in the project toolbar. Note you must have attached bounces to two or more versions to use this feature.

Compare bounces across multiple versions of your project

Then, select the versions you want to compare in the version list and click "Go."

Select specific versions to compare

Playback will navigate you to a page where you can listen to the bounces side-by-side.

Compare bounces across two or more versions side-by-side

Tips and Tricks

  • Synchronize playback of the bounces by turning on the "Sync playback" toggle. This will time-align the playback of the bounces to help you compare them for mix differences.
  • Use the up & down arrows to quickly switch between bounces. This can help you A/B differences in your mixdown.

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